Data you can

grow with

Agriculture workflow automation thanks to seamless IOT integration

Draw on real-time customised insights to optimise your operational performance

We exist to digitally evolve your operations by leveraging your data to enhance your agriculture management workflows.

By automating your business processes through our data fusion platform, Perspio™, you’ll gain clear, real-time insights into exactly what to do, and when, to maximise your business performance. This, in turn, will help you to manage operational risk, leading to a safer, more cost-effective and more environmentally responsible business.

Context is a superpower

No matter how complex your agriculture management workflows or how big your operations are, Perspio™ uses IoT to help.

The benefits of using IoT in agriculture include:

Improving efficiency

Increasing environmental responsibility

Maximising safety

Introducing Perspio

Perspio™ is the platform at the heart of our digital evolution strategy for agriculture businesses. Perspio™ starts by ingesting, processing and analysing data from any connected asset in your business – but it doesn’t stop there. Instead, it goes on to overlay relevant third-party data sources and then deliver customised insights to your decision-makers in real-time.

How we improve your agriculture business processes

Where other IoT companies put tech first and people second, we prioritise your agriculture business from start to finish. We recognise that there’s no value in ‘tech for tech’s sake’ – instead, value lies in making your business run better, more safely and more cost-effectively.

To ensure that value, we take the time to get to know your business and the way you do things – your existing equipment, devices, management tools and processes. Then we ask questions to ensure we understand the inherent risks your business faces.

Only then do we design IoT solutions that fit your unique operations to fully optimise your digital evolution.

Here’s what the process looks like:

Workflow Identification

Workflow Analysis

Every operation can be improved – it’s just a matter of discovering how. We start by assessing your existing workflows, then identifying and mapping the most critical ones together.

Solution Design

We then determine what each workflow needs for optimum automation, and design solutions to make that happen.

Solution Development

Device and Connectivity Sourcing:

Next, we identify the data you’ll need to effectively evolve your workflows, and help you to gather it. We’ll connect and integrate your existing assets, devices and software, but we’ll also source connections for any other assets you need to fill the gaps.

Data Processing:

When your source data starts coming in, Perspio™ will collect and process it. The platform consolidates all this information into a centralised data warehouse, maps connections and then fuses the data, allowing you to track value and performance.

Digital Evolution

Enhanced visibility without changing the way you work:

Perspio™ feeds your analysed, enhanced data back into your existing enterprise applications. Or, if you prefer, you can use our Smart Dashboards module to access real-time insights for more powerful decision-making.

Continuous improvement across your entire business:

We work with you to continually evaluate and fine-tune your workflow performance, and look for ways to further your digital evolution.

Want to improve your agricultural workflows?

Irrigation Optimisation

Today your workflow looks like:

You manually monitor water levels in the field by visually checking the amount of water on top of the soil. Without being able to reference actual soil moisture levels, you instead do a visual check daily or according to a set schedule. Based on what you see, you decide how much, and when, to flush, flood, water or top-up each area.

You might also separately measure the amount of water you use each day, or each period. Then, when your water provider invoices you, you cross-check their invoice against the amount of water you believe you’ve used. If there’s a discrepancy, you might search your installations for leaks.

This process can be time-intensive and costly, and can make it easy to miss issues with your irrigation system.

With Perspio™, your workflow would look like:

IoT devices and sensors in your soil and water storage and on your irrigation system are all connected to the Perspio™ data fusion platform. In real-time, the platform collects and processes soil moisture level and water storage level readings, while also ingesting third-party rain forecast data from the Bureau of Meteorology.

Perspio™ analyses the data from all of these data sources, then uses it to schedule the optimal time to turn on your irrigation system, in which locations, and for how long. Using the IoT sensors on your water storage, the platform also tracks the volume of water you use. Then it feeds all of this analysis into a Smart Dashboard so your team can see what’s happening in real-time.

If anomalies arise between the data sources that track your water usage, Perspio™ will alert your team so you can promptly address them, avoiding further complications.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get in touch with Inauro?

Fill in your details on our Contact page. We’ll reach out to discuss your operations, processes and assets, and how we can help them digitally evolve.

What agriculture management workflows can Inauro help us with?

We can provide enhanced visibility across all of your operation and production areas, and optimise everything from irrigation through to waste management.

Whatever devices you have, we can integrate them. Plus, if we find a data gap, we’ll help you to fill it. The more devices and data you connect, the more your opportunities to enhance your workflows and increase performance.

How can IoT make my agriculture workflows more efficient?

By integrating all your devices, assets and enterprise applications, we can provide real-time insights for you and your team that enhance your operational visibility.

Individual team members can receive contextual insights from our smart reporting that help them to work more efficiently. Or we can integrate those insights into your existing agricultural workflow systems to deliver them without changing the way your team works.

Finally, using advanced automation to shift from manual processes to on-demand usage minimises unnecessary tasks, cuts asset downtime and lowers your costs.

How can IoT make my agriculture operations more environmentally responsible?

What you can measure, you can not only make better, but also be more transparent about.

Production areas operating at peak efficiency mean less unnecessary waste, equipment usage and asset movement, lowering your carbon footprint. And with enhanced device integration and visibility, you can also monitor and respond to potential leaks or environmental hazards more quickly.

The faster your response time, the lower your environmental impact, and more socially responsible your business will be.

How can IoT make my agriculture operation areas safer?

When you track and monitor all of your agricultural equipment, assets and operational activities, your team will have far greater situational awareness. This helps to reduce their risk while working in your operation and production areas.

And with automated, real-time hazard alert and response measures in place, your team can act faster and more confidently in an emergency situation.